15th February 2006

Jen is back to school and Will is back to
computers and house planning.
We've had visits from Dave and Paula who now live
in Jakarta. They enjoyed the visit so much, they've made an offer on some
land!! We've also had a quick trip to Christchurch to see Larisa who is
home from South America visiting her sick dad. We had fun going to a
movie, coffee, pub, dinner and lots of chatting.
If that is not all enough, we went to the
Rippon Music Festival which is
held every 2 years in the Rippon Vineyard on the shores of Lake
The house is making real progress with a projected
start date of April. We have a builder all lined up, the engineer is
drawing up plans and we are ordering soil for the rammed earth, wood for floors
etc. There are many small decisions to be made daily.
Lar de Ishmael Orphanage Appeal.
Many of you will know
or know of our friend Denise who lives in Brazil. Denise adopted a
Brazilian orphan last year and while volunteering in orphanages, she met
Crispin who is the director of a small shelter for children who, for a
variety of reasons, are no longer living with their biological parents.
Lar de Ishmael is a unique type of shelter because it is located in the
countryside, it has a family like structure, and “parents” care for the
children. The kids at Lar are healthy, happy and well adjusted. Over
the last year, Denise has raised money for Lar de Ishmael through a
clothing drive and a school lap-a-thon. Needless to say, she is
happy to help out such a wonderful organization that is trying hard to
offer a more normal life for these children who would otherwise end up
on the street or in state run institutions.
Now the tragic part, two
weeks ago, four armed gunmen entered the gates of Lar de Ishmael. They
pointed guns at the children and parents, rounded everyone up into
one building and proceeded to clean the place out. Each of the four houses on
the compound functions as a family dwelling and had a TV and VCR/DVD unit,
kitchen appliances, etc. The thieves took everything of value, including the
meat in the freezer, loaded it into orphanage VW van (which was used to
transport the children to school, doctor’s appointments, etc) and were gone.
The whole ordeal lasted two hours and, needless to say traumatized all
involved, adults and children alike.
This is where you come in;
Denise would like to try to help Lar de Ishmael replace some of the items that
were stolen as it is important that the family units remain solid. She would
like to try to return some normalcy to their lives, so that they can get back
to doing what they always did, Saturday evening movies, riding bikes, playing
computer games. We will be taking up a collection to be donated to Lar de
Ishmael. Although most electronics are not cheap in Brazil, the Dollar-Real
exchange rate is about 2.3:1 and so the value of your US dollar more than
doubles in Reais, any little bit will help.
If you are interested in helping, here are
some ways:
Contact Will or
Jen and we will give you Denise's address to contact her directly.
Send money to
Will or Jen and we will forward the money to Denise.
Click on the
Paypal donate button below and all money will be forwarded to Denise.
Please be assured that every cent of the money
donated will go to improving the children's lives. It will pass directly
from Will and Jen to Denise to Crispin, the orphanage director.
Thank you from the children of Lar de Ishmael,
Crispin, Denise plus Will and Jen.
17th January 2006

Will & Jen recording podcast number 12
Happy New Year to you all. We've had a great
time so far during Jen's Christmas holidays and she still has three more weeks
left before school starts back. We've had lots of visitors including Colin
& Diane, Will's dad plus Pierre & Steve.
It's been quite windy for the last 10 days though
it looks like that weather is coming to an end and the hot still days of summer
are returning. We are looking forward to Dave & Paula's visit next week
though before that we are off to Lake Ohau for the weekend. We are
enjoying pottering around the caravan and garden doing odd jobs, swimming,
BBQing on our new BBQ, and thinking of things to do with our growing mountain of
ripe tomatoes, basil and coriander.
22nd December 2005
We are off today to Christchurch for Christmas.
Busy busy busy with parties, BBQ's, hot weather and pre-xmas work.
We hope you all have a Merry Christmas with
friends and family.
Will and Jennie
20th December 2005

Will's brother Michael and his wife Sally gave
birth to a healthy baby boy today named Riley Peter Whio Croxford. A
fantastic addition to the family!!
5th December 2005
Things are getting back to normal around here,
though with Christmas looming, it's a busy time of year. We both have
Christmas parties coming up and we've been planning our holiday break.
Calling it a break is a bit of a misnomer as we've been planning our holiday
Will is on "Pending Uncle Alert" as we wait for
news of Michael and Sally's baby. This will be the first baby born on the
Croxford side of the family which is exciting.
Our podcast number 9 was listened to by more
people than all the previous podcasts. It's a pity it had a poor audio
quality and was a bit glum. Will has spent several hours engineering the
latest podcast out today to ensure a better show.
It's been hot over the last week with temperatures
in the mid 20's every day plus nice balmy evenings. It's dry, very dry.
28th November 2005
I updated the website today and did the first
podcast in a month. It's good to be settling down to a normal routine
again after so much travel and upheaval. We've now go a Frappr map for you
all to add your location to. It'll be interesting how far and wide you are
all spread.
Where are you?
We would love to know where you are reading
this from!
Simply go to our Frappr map and add yourself
to our list.
"What's a Frappr map?" It's a virtual
world map where you stick your virtual pin to show where you live.
21st November 2005
I'm home after two and a half weeks away!
It's so good to be home as it seems like I've barely been here over the last
couple of months. I wouldn't change that time I've spent with Mum and the
family for the world.
I'll tell you all about it in a few days once I
get through all the bills, messages, emails and work correspondence. So
check back in a day or two for a new podcast and an update of this blog.
Thank you all for the support and messages of
condolence. I'll personally reply to all of you once I get settled in.
28th October 2005

We're back!! We went to Tekapo for the long
weekend with Rob & Mish and their boys Paddy and George (Will and his wee friend
Paddy pictured).
After that Jen came home to Wanaka and Will headed
up to Chch to see his mum who was in town for an Education conference.
Will got back yesterday and things are returning to normal around here.
Both of us have been busy with work and gardening. Now that the vege
garden is plowed, we've installed the irrigation system and planted lettuce,
onions, strawberries, tomatoes, basil, gooseberry, coriander and more.
Tomorrow we plan on planting a bunch more vege's, excuse the pun.
Will has 'spruced' up the website setup so that
the podcasts can be longer and easier to manage. Check out our latest
podcast number 8!!!
We'd love some feedback about the website, blog
and podcast.
11th October 2005
We've hired a small tractor to plow the 1/4 acre
vege garden. Still haven't posted the latest podcast yet as too
busy....sorry all.

6th October 2005
Just got back from an evening tour around the
trees. No rabbit damage and lots of spring vigor. We took this shot
of the new tunnel-house while wandering back to the caravan.

5th October 2005
We got back from our trip up to Takaka yesterday.
We tramped the Abel Tasman track, visited Will's
parents and stopped off in Christchurch for a few days. There is more
about the Abel Tasman Track here
including some photo's.
More is coming...Will hasn't had time to compile
the Abel Tasman podcast number 7....so it'll have to wait until the weekend.

Will's Mum is the same which is good. His
Aunty Helen and Cousin Emma were over visiting from Melbourne. It was
really nice to see them! In Christchurch we saw most of Jennie's family
and went out for a meal and a few beers with Rob.
We are happy to be home and have lots to do on the
land in the next few weeks. This is a busy time of year in the garden with
planting planting and more planting. The caravan is filling up with baby
tomato plants too tender to go outside yet and we have 1000's of tussock seeds
on the go.
Will is working the next two days in Wanaka and
then it's the weekend to catch up on Spring
cleaning. Jen heads back to school on Monday so we are enjoying the last
week of the holidays.
Here is a photo of Jen Skyping Ris today. NZ
to Ecuador for free...have you not got
Skype yet?
13th September 2005
We published our 6th podcast on Sunday afternoon.
We spent the weekend doing gardening.
We sprayed the new pine trees with
an eco rabbit repellent, dug the earth over for our tunnel house, planted some
fantastic new mountain beech trees and re-potted about 100 tussocks. We
have lots of plans for the garden and as the days are much longer, we're
spending lots of time outdoors.
Will's mum is a bit better and is out of hospital.
She's back to working full time from home and flying around the country for
work. We are heading up to Takaka to see them in two weeks which will be
fun. Will's brother Michael and his wife Sally are also heading up there
and his Aunty and cousin are coming over from Australia. It will be quite
a family gathering. Our next podcast will come from Takaka which will be
fun....check it out.
If you didn't know Will's mum was in hospital or
that we'd planted pines including pinus pinea for our future supply of pine
nuts, that because you haven't listen to our past PODCAST's. Don't
worry...you can read it hear from now on or just download our podcast!!
9th September 2005
This section used to be called "news".
Moving with the times, we've changed it to become our blog page.
We've been regularly posting a new podcast every
second Monday which is consistently downloaded by many of you. In fact, it
has reached as high as 4th in a yahoo.co.nz search for NZ podcasts. This
has caused Will a few headaches trying to manage server space and bandwidth for
downloaders. As suspected from the recent feedback request in our podcast, most
listeners are at the techy, connected, early adopter end of the computer
spectrum. So to reach out to the rest of you, we will enter a lot of the
podcast chat here for you to read. It's obviously a million times better
to subscribe to our podcast!!
Next podcast date will be Monday 12th September.
If you've not listened to our podcast before, give it a go!
7th July 2005
Added our first Podcast. Let us know if you
enjoy it...or don't!!
4th July 2005
Welcome to the new version of willnjen.com.
3rd February 2005
Well, it took a long time, but we've done it. We are
finally living on our land. No that doesn't mean we've finished the
lodges, it means we finished the purchase and subdivision of the land.
We have sold our house and are now living in a caravan, hard
awning, shipping container complex. I'm sure recent visitors can attest to
the fact it is a lot nicer than it sounds. We
have fantastic views, all normal amenities like like power, phone and water,
plus all the mod con's like broadband internet, a wireless network for visitors
laptops, satellite TV and 24/4 weather analysis. We also have the
beautiful Hawea river for swimming and fishing in.
We are nearing the crux of the paperwork battle to gain
permission to build our eco-lodges. We will keep you all informed with our
progress. We hope to get approval to start building in spring of this
year, that's September for you northern folk. This means we will be in the
caravan for winter, a challenge Will is looking forward to!
Jen has just started the 2005 teaching year with another 1 year
contract. Will is busy setting up his weather station business supplying
and installing weather equipment to vineyards, yacht clubs, tourist boards and
home users. Will is also about to start installing a rabbit proof fence
around the 1/4 acre vege garden. Once completed, we will plant every
vegetable and berry you can think of that will grow in our area. We
currently have over 5000 baby tussocks growing in various stages from seed to
planting. We aim to propagate 5000 per year to plant around the land as
part of our native regeneration programme.
We bought a double sea kayak for Christmas and have been on a few
fantastic trips on Lake Wanaka. We've also been
doing some mountain biking at our favourite weekend get-away place, Naseby.
We've also done some great walks over summer and hope to do a lot more.
The weather has been fantastic with many days over 30 degrees Celsius. We
go to the beach most evening for a swim and relax, the perfect way to finish the
19th September 2004
If this is a BLOG,
it's the slowest BLOG on earth, sorry. It's been over 6 months since we
last updated this page of news. The last 6 months have had their up's and
Will's brother Peter
died on the 29th of Feb (NZ time), aged 31. He suffered a severe nose
bleed in the UK which resulted in him loosing so much blood that he then had a
heart attack and subsequent other organ failure. Peter was kept on life
support until Will an his family were contacted, and on doctors advice, was
taken off. We had a small private ceremony for Peter in the Kahurangi
National Park where we scattered his ashes on a bush clad slope with a view of
beautiful snowy mountains. Thank you all for all your support.
On the good side,
title for our land has come through, and we now own it after so much paperwork.
We've started landscaping and making preparations for building, which will still
be some months off (if not another year).
We had a BBQ on the land on a beautiful day in the middle of
winter with some friends we've made around here. We're really looking
forward to getting our house sold off so we can move down to the land.
We've been trying to sell it privately, though had no luck. So we've gone
with a real estate agent and hopefully things should move along a bit faster.
Will's been busy working on a great variety of computer jobs. He seems to
have found a niche installing automated weather stations for yacht clubs,
farmers and weather enthusiasts. Jen is teaching at Wanaka Primary School
and loving it. She often heard telling people "the kids are soooo good".
That's all the news for now. We'll update this NEWS section more often,
especially with the new digital camera!
18th February 2004
We are getting
there...slowly. On the land front, we have finished the road which is
great! We are very happy with both it's shape, look and cost. We
have moved our caravan down to the land and bought a shipping container.
The two are nestled in the middle of a paddock creating a nice spot with great
Our house is currently
on the market and we've had quite a bit of interest. We are selling it
privately and getting a lot of encouragement from all who look around.
Needless to say, we spent weeks sprucing the house and garden before putting it
on the market and it has never looked as good. We hope to sell the house
in the next few weeks and move onto the land and into the caravan before Easter.
We had quite a few
visitors over Christmas and New Years and more in early February. Jen is
doing a wee bit of teaching and Will has been working on the
Rippon Music Festival CD which he
is helping co-produce.
We are digital
cameraless at the moment so photo's are slow in coming. Will says he will
but a new one "when we sell the house".
4th December 2003
quickly things change. The work on the road has began and should be
finished in days. It's all very exciting because this is the first
physical change to our land since we first saw it. Up until now, it's all
been paperwork. Once the road is finished, we'll be able to move our
caravan down there and get a shipping container delivered to store our
We've also added some photo's that have been collecting on a film over the
winter. They include mountain shots, some garden (which really means
Will's sky photo's) plus the road work.
27th November 2003
Things are not quite moving along
at the rapid rate stated in the previous news update. We are still waiting
for the road to go in. The whole road thing got held up by engineers
reports, planners, council etc. Not in our hands so nothing we can do
about it. All it really means is the title date for land handover will
move back to late Feb or March.
We've bought a caravan which we are
really pleased with. It sort of dropped into our laps and it's perfect for
our needs. We chatted to the chap who runs the local camping ground and
told him we were on the lookout for a caravan. He rang later that week to
say that a nice old chap was selling his caravan that he had owned for years and
looked after very well. So now we have it sitting in our driveway waiting,
waiting, waiting. We plan to build a hard awning attached to the caravan
once we move it to the land. This is the best way for us to get around the
planning rules as it will only be temporary and therefore will not need building
consents etc. We will also then have a full kitchen, office and bathroom
in the hard awning so life will be quite normalish. The caravan has a
permanent double bed in it which is great cause there would be nothing more
annoying than having to set-up and take down the bed every day. As most of
you can imagine, we are not really caravan people and would normally prefer a
tent, but we think it will be great to live in for a year.
Jennie has been doing more and more
teaching which she is happy about. It seems she is getting more work every
school term as she gets known by the various schools. Will is working on a
mix of Croxford Computer Support stuff and eco/house stuff.
We will be heading up to Takaka for
Christmas to spend time with Will's parents. Some of you already know that
Will's mum has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing
chemotherapy. Needless to say, we are all holding our breaths and waiting
for results. His mum is hugely optimistic, positive and healthy which is
half the battle really. No firm plans for New Years yet though we have a
couple of options in the pipeline.
We bought a new digital camera
recently so we could fill this website with loads of photo's.
Unfortunately it wasn't up to scratch and Will has sent it back for
refund. Hopefully we will get another one soon and start snapping away.
15th October 2003
Things are moving along at a rapid rate. The road will
go into our land in a couple of weeks. We promise we'll put photo's online
when it happens. At the same time we will be forming our driveway from the
boundary to the place we will build our house. We met with our Architect
on Monday to plan what we are doing in the next few months. Current best
guess on 'title date' or more commonly known as 'when we will own the land' is
mid January. Only real foreseeable hold-up could be the coming summer
holidays over Christmas and New Year. Many businesses and government
departments close down for 2, 3 or even 4 weeks over that time.
We are getting our house ready to sell. It's ironic
that a house looks best when selling in it rather than during the entire time we
lived in it. We are busy doing some painting, gardening, lots of weeding,
cleaning and general sprucing. After we sell the house we are going to
live in a caravan despite the fact Will is 6'5" and most caravans are 6'0".
We'll overcome this problem by building a small lounge/kitchen next to the
caravan to 'live in'. We expect that this will be fantastic in summer with
lots of outdoor living; winter will be another storey.
Check back in few weeks for some new photo's.
25th September 2003
Hello, and welcome to the newly
revamped willnjen.com website launched 25th September. We've moved the site from it original
location in the UK to a NZ server. We've changed the colour scheme, the
font, and the content of the site. It will still be the mix of photographs
and news you are used to plus one or two new features.
So what's new? We have made
some progress on the ecolodge project. As many of you know, we have been
waiting for over a year for title (ownership) of the land to be passed to us.
There have been some important hurdles to overcome in this process including
getting resource consent to subdivide the land. All permits have now been
issued and the date of ownership is rapidly approaching. So when will we
own the land? Like many things, it's a bit like "how long is a piece of
string". We hope to own it by Christmas or shortly after.
We plan to move onto the land as
soon as we own it. This is because we can't wait to be there and the fact
we have to sell our house to pay for it all. So we will be camping on the
land for a while until we get some accommodation sorted out. This looks
like it will be either a caravan or similar temporary housing.
Jennie is doing more and more
relief (substitute) teaching. She is enjoying it and hopes to do more next
year. Will has set up a computer small business support company called
Croxford Computer Support. Check it out on